So I've spent the last week in Seattle visiting The Fiance's brother. We spent the week tooling around the city, watching fish get thrown around at the market, trying Vietnamese food, and eating goat. (Tastes like lamb, but stringier. I couldn't get over the fact that it was GOAT.) While we were in Bellingham visiting my friend The Professor, I saw
The Time Traveler's Wife on a used book rack, shining like a beacon in all its turquoise glory. I convinced The Professor that she just
had to get the book, and oh, I would give her my copy if I hadn't already promised it to Mother and really, whatever you're reading, just stop, [breath] because this is the book you should read right now! So she did. And I can't wait to hear what she thinks of it.
I finished the book on the four-hour flight from Cincinnati to Seattle. I had worked nights over the weekend and was exhausted, but the book wouldn't let me go. After the second beverage service, I had fifty pages left. As I read, I kept having to stop reading, dab my eyes with the cocktail napkin under my Diet Coke, and look out the window at the clouds, in the hopes of regaining my composure. Had I been alone, I would have wept with abandon, probably curled up in my bed. I very well could have reread the last fifty-ish pages to relive the experience again. I must say again and again -- you must read this book.
I was so sad that it was done that it took me a week to start another book. I wanted to revel in the love story a little longer.
It reminds me of when, at nine or ten years old, I was reading
Where the Red Fern Grows. I stayed up really late on a school night finishing the last few chapters. I would run into Mom and Dad's bedroom, tears streaming down my cheeks, crying, "Mom! [sob] You'll never believe what happened!'' And I'd tell her all about it, wipe my tears, and run back to my room. Then a few minutes later, another trip down the hall, vision bleary with tears for another report to Mom, "And then
this happened! [sob!!]" Ugh, it was rough. But those stories that I can be completely lost in are my favorites.