12 March 2006

The Time Traveler's Wife -- page 204

It's getting lighter outside. "Merry Christmas," I whisper. Henry doesn't answer, and I lie awake in his arms thinking about multitudes of angels, listening to his measured breath, and pondering in my heart.

This little paragraph is one of the reasons I love this book. I was sitting in McDonald's reading while I ate my #2 with only ketchup and feeling a little teary. I just love how visual this writing is. I feel like I'm there or that I can see exactly what Ms. Niffenegger wants me to see. This whole "teaching writing to visual artists" thing is quite evident in her book.

For the first 75 pages, I was feeling a little lost in time while Henry is jumping in and out of Clare's life, until I realized that we are following Clare's timeline. Clare's life moves in one direction, while Henry zig zags in and out.

People at work have decided that I am a salesperson when it comes to books. They think that every book I'm currently in the middle of is my favorite book and oh-you-just-have-to-read-it! It's sort of true. I love to lose myself in a book.

So anyway, you HAVE to read this book! It's a love story for the ages.

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