We have two dogs. Two big pointer mixes. Eppie is the smart one with big sticky-up ears and a brindle spot around her left eye. She is the one who will try to climb up into my lap if I'm crying, or put herself between me and a stranger while out on a walk. She is sensitive and as intuitive as a dog can be. Maggie is the dumb one with lying-down ears and a black mask over both eyes and ears. She wiggles and wags at anything that moves (unless it's a squirrel or a mailperson -- she tries to eat those) and loves to be pet. If you look at her too long, you risk getting a face full of wet nose.
They couldn't be more different.
Our nighttime routine to puppy-proof the house before bed requires pieces of furniture flipped upside down on the couch, Rob's bag on the chair, and all doors latched tightly, because noses are known to push open doors to find soft places to sleep. Last night, all the puppy-proofing done, we went to bed for the night. Eppie in her bed at the top of the stairs, Maggie in the living room on her bed.
In the morning, Rob got up and went downstairs to check his email, and what did he find? Maggie! On the couch. Behind the cushions. She had climbed up the side of the couch, walked across the back like an acrobat on a tightrope, then wedged herself down behind the back cushions, pushing them out into a 'V.' And the worst part is, when Rob found her, she just looked at him with this (smug!) look that said, "Look! Look what I did!!" I would have expected this type of behavior from Eppie.
Now the couch is blanketed in Maggie hair. Something I loathe more than anything. Aaaaand, she was just in the kennel for Thanksgiving and is a little stinky, even after a bath. Good thing that my grandparents got us a supercool, ultralight vaccuum cleaner than sucks up all allergens known to Man.
I guess we need to come up with a new puppy-proofing routine. [sigh]
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