So I've been jetsetting from coast to coast off and on for the last three weeks, which is saying something since I live in the middle of the country. My travels began in Seattle, where I met the last mystery future brother-in-law. I swear if he didn't look just like his dad, I would have thought his parents just kept in the photo that comes with the frame. For three years, I've dated this guy and yet, no meeting of the middle brother. So now it's official: I've met the family. We can get married now. Then back to work for a week, saving lives (uh...), getting puked on, and off to Marco Island, where the nightlife ends at 9:00 pm. There I lolled around by the pool (it was too windy to loll on the beach -- sand everywhere) and read. I was like a machine! I polished off two books while I was there, not to mention the one I started in Seattle. Oh -- I also caught big fish on our fishing expedition, burned my scalp and nose (though I was ever so diligent with the sunblock), hung out with the nuclears, and drank a few daiquiris.
So here's the list and short commentary:
Sheltering Sky, Paul Bowles: Liked it, didn't love it, would read more of his stuff, hated the passive female character who didn't grow balls until the last thirty pages, and even then they were fake.
Bee Season, Myla Goldberg: Loved it, loved it, loved it, every person in the family had their own brand of psychosis, loved the spelling, loved the Jewish mysticism.
Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseni: This book was like the Da Vinci Code for me; at the end of every chapter I said to myself, "Just one more," and then it was 2:00 a.m. and I was exhausted. Although, this book was much more beautiful and better written than Dan Brown's book. I will never be able to eat a pomegranate again without thinking of the boys in the book. This, not to sound cliche, is a must-read.
I feel like I'm cheating not actually writing about each book and talking about all the amazing things within and finding out about the authors, etc., but I've decided that since they were vacation books, I'm going to treat my blogging to a vacation as well. Not that I've been doing it long enough to earn a vacation...
So now what? I'm bookless. That's not true. There's the stack of ten on my shelf that are staring at me. Stay tuned...
Glad you loved Bee Season. I liked the twist in the story at the end. Whoa. Very good book indeed.
I haven't started the Time traveler yet. Very soon...
I just heard that Bee Season is a movie and it came out on dvd recently!
You found the book blog! I can't decide if I'm going to keep it or not... it makes me a little shy that people can read it. I mean, our blog is more like expedited email than online journal. I've never felt that I was a shy person before... maybe I'm losing my writing confidence!
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