So, after the book binge of March, I took a little break from the reading world. I was talking to the Professor today and she said, "You haven't posted anything on your book blog in a while, you know." So I thought I'd take this opportunity to write a little.
Since I've not been reading, what have I been doing, you ask? Well, I've been planning the wedding and trying to get a home loan for the Fiance and I. And I've been picking out bridesmaid dresses and meeting with the reception guy. And I rewrote my resume, got an interview at CHP for next week. And I've been working. A lot. I feel like I live at the hospital. I don't know if any of that is an excuse for not having a book on the nightstand, but it's true.
(I did read a book by Alison Smith, called "Name All the Animals." It's a memoir -- a departure from my usual fiction. It's a coming of age story in a sort of detached writing style, which is odd considering it's the author's life story. Huh.)
So now I'm reading "Smilla's Sense of Snow" by Peter Hoeg. It's a Scandinavian thriller of sorts set in Denmark. I watched the movie in my Scandinavian Film class at GAC and loved it. But I was frustrated because I felt like the director didn't flesh out Smilla's character. My professor suggested I read the book. So here I am, five years later, finally reading the book. The first 150 pages, I was bored, because I knew everything that was going to happen. But now Smilla is real for me and the thrill of the story is catching up with me.
So if you're looking for a variation on the summer blockbuster, read SSoS.
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