I am done. I am DONE! I finished reading that big purple textbook, I took my test and I passed. Thank the Lord. It was a difficult test. I usually breeze through exams, never check my work and call it a day. On this one, I marked about twenty questions to go back and look at. I hate doing that, because I invariably second-guess myself and change the answer from the original correct one to a horribly wrong one. So I did go back and review these twenty questions, but only changed maybe one answer. I get the full blow-by-blow of my answers in the mail in a few weeks.
So. What am I reading now, you ask? A very frivlous, no-brain-required, novel called "Plain Truth" by Jodi Picoult. I am five chapters into it and it's keeping my attention, though will never be an award-winner. I have read another of her novels called "My Sister's Keeper." That was an excellent book; it was very much a mirror of my working life, as it is about a young girl wih cancer. It was a great story with lots of highly researched details. That is one thing that I admire about Ms. Picoult; her attention to detail and well-researched subjects make the book more believable and less irritating to find the mistakes in content. But, then again, I am kind of a book Nazi.
Oh happy day, no more textbooks. I am a happy, happy girl.
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