While reading the CPON textbook, I came across numerous typos. Typos are the most distracting thing for me when reading. I can be surrounded by little monkey children screaming and playing at my feet, and absorb what I read. But if I come across a misspelled word or poor punctuation, I lose all comprehension of the words in front of me. So here's my thought. (Actually, it's the Fiance's thought.) What if I sent the editor a chapter from the book with typos highlighted to let them know of my interest in reviewing medical literature? I could write up a nice little cover letter and tell them I am interested in editing for their publications. Does it matter that I have no editing experience (other than proofreading people's papers in high school and college?) Is my medical background and great interest enough to entice them? Would they even care?
It's something to think about anyway...
very cool idea. it would be a consulting job. (all my prof friends have consulting jobs and i think it sounds cool.)
have you read Eats Shoots and Leaves? i liked it, but it was somewhat hard to read for me because i'm not very good at that whole thing.
I LOVED "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves!" It was like reading about myself. The author has another book out, but I hear it was dumb. I haven't read that one.
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